For what it's worth, here is my two pennyworth.
I e-mailed Natural England for some clarification on this subject:
Can you clarify whether or not you need a licence to photograph schedule 1 birds under the following conditions:
1: Adults with their young away from the nest.
2: Adults Feeding at a breeding site before nesting.
May I point out that it is not the intention to disturb the birds in any way to obtain photographs merely to photograph them from a distance or if the birds come closer to the camera by their own choice.
Thank you
Russell Hayes
Here is the response I received:
Dear Mr Hayes
It is an offence to disturb any wild bird listed on schedule 1 while it is nest building or is at (or near) a nest with eggs or young; or disturb the dependent young of such a bird. I am afraid I cannot give you any further interpretation of this. It would be for a court to decide what constitutes an offence.
If you do not cause disturbance as you have stated in the last paragraph of your email then no offence will be committed.
Simon Uff
Wildlife Management and Licensing Service
Natural England
Northminster House
Please note that I have hilighted the words
Disturb as I see this to be the deciding factor if any offence has been caused.
As has been said it would need a court to decide whether an offence has been committed merely by pointing a camera and taken a few pictures, disturbance by doing that, I believe would be hard to prove.
The decision to remove pictures from the Album is fair as has been explained, the LBC does not encourage it.
The decision to contact Birdguides and ask them to remove all pictures of the said birds is not one I accept and a letter has been sent to them asking for an explanation.
I have now had a reply from Birdguides & the LBC Admin and can see the reasons why the decisions have been made.