My fourth August visit to Chambers Farm Wood in search of the Brown Hairstreak and it proved to be a successful one. Together with South Yorkshire naturalist John Ward, we watched an egg-laying female Brown Hairstreak for c half an hour (1.00 - 1.30) at the low-lying stand of Blackthorn on the left and about one third of the way along the track from the Main Carpark to Five Ways. The occasional sunny period and lack of wind helped to maintain the ambient temperature at c70F, which is conducive, even necessary, for egg-laying to take place. The characteristic crab-like descent was noted several times as the butterfly fluttered up from one foray and then edged sideways and backwards down a twig to the lower parts of the Blackthorn for more egg-laying. plus: Brimstone Small Copper Gatekeeper Meadow Brown Comma Small Tortoiseshell Peacock Red Admiral Common Blue - female the 3 Whites.