Dec 26th:On the 20th and 21st had 16 Chaffinch each day, I checked each of them just in case a Brambling called in but alas not. Filled all the feeders and bird table on the 22nd, also got stocked up with loads of seed etc. Not seen the GSW again.
When I was a kid my favourite bird was a Yellowhammer and I fondly remember how pleased I was when I saw it on my trips to Brumby Woods.
In the last ten years I've often said to my pals I'd be overjoyed if I got one in my garden, well today I saw two just outside the lounge window feeding on some songbird seed I'd put out earlier

I got the camcorder and took a few pics and a short video, managing to get both in the frame at times

If the path hadn't been so icy and the temperature very low I'd have thrown the seed further down the garden, but I didn't fancy going out so threw the seed out the window and very plaesed I did! They stayed about five minutes and flew off but one returned later for a quick snack. Hoping they tell their mates and a few more come. That was a garden tick
I haven't been birding for ages because of the weather BUT I really don't need to with the varied birds that visit the garden. Also on this day had 6 - Blue Tit, 17 - Chaffinch, 17 - Goldfinch, 1 - Great Tit, 1 - Wren, 12 - Greenfinch, 1 - Magpie, 4 - Blackbirds, 12 - Starling, 1 - Robin, 15+ House Sparrow, 7 - Common Gull over and 2 - Crow over.
As of yet I've not seen any dead birds but all the snow hasn't gone yet. Hopefully with 20 feeders and two bird tables I won't see too many casualties.
Kind regards