Phil Espin wrote:
Hi Geoff
This is very interesting news which I gather is likely to delay the breach for the time being pending resolution of the issue.
The only reference I can find on the web is the briefing material for an ELDC meeting on 13 September. Could that be the one your report refers to? Strange that the news has not been reported anywhere else.
I objected to the breach without a footbridge at the time of the original planning application and hadn't realised a separate process was required giving a second bite at the cherry for a bridge. In my view the scheme would be much enhanced as an amenity for birders, ramblers and other site users if it is possible to do a round circuit walk of the whole site. If we make a fuss now and show the N Somercotes PC some support perhaps we might still have an effect. From your experience of footpath matters Geoff, what would be the best way to do that?
I'm finding it very difficult to get information on ELDC's meetings. I was sent this information by a local resident who presumably was present at the 18 October meeting. There is nothing on their web site, although dates of meetings etc are supposed to be found in their 'online documents library'. I'll contact them and ask for the location on their web site.
The Ramblers have been very slow in responding to this path closure, which, because of the Government's commitment to a round-Britain coastal path (that I don't think will ever happen) should never have been allowed to get this far. If this decision is appealed, then I will be able to get hold of the various bits of legislation that could form part of an objection to be sent to the Planning Inspectorate in Bristol.
As I understand it, the carrot of a circular walk would not be a possibility without a bridge or culvert, as the new path along the bund joins the original path above the proposed breach.
I'll keep you informed by private email.