Ive dreamt of getting a honey Buzzard on passage in spring,ive tried whitton top many times at the right time,but to no avail,only Buteo Buteo's,yesterday as daft as anything,I was walking back from the wader hide,got to the clearing on the right before the turning heading left,,saw a honey buzzard quite low come over in front of me,protruding smallish head,oh my god i thought,will mal and the others in the duck hide have seen it?within seconds mal was phoning me"did you see the honey buzzard?"bird heading south i replied,Yes,they first spotted it over the brigg rd with a buteo,jeff said to mal ive a buzzard and a diff bird mal id immediatly and jeff concurred,they raced out the hide as it came over eventually pursued by a buteo buteo, my dreams come true its took an awful long time!!but still bloody chuffed.. Regards Rog.