A few weeks ago I spotted a newbie, a type of poppy other than the Red one. It was more an orange colour than yellow. I checked guide and the only one that matched in part [ the leaves are identical although the height is less than stated] was the Welsh Poppy. My mate popped round to check it's ID and we were puzzled by it's colour, three of my guide books give the Welsh Poppy as yellow but this is certainly orange. I said it must be an hybrid. Also my guide book of the 1980s says it's mostly found in Wales and southern Britain. Does anyone have any upto date info?
Not sure if the seed has been dormant for a long time or maybe it was in the songbird mix I 've been putting out this year or maybe a bird pooped it. Certainly not had this poppy in the garden before. I've taken some seed and hope to sow it next year.
As is usual in July the Rosebay Willowherb is growing well, it's between four and five feet high.
Another first is the Elderberry is in flower for first time, also a type of Cotoneaster and the Hawthorn, so looking forward to loads of berries. The juv Starlings and Blackies are taking the berries off the tree in front garden, not sure what it is.
The Marjoram that Colin gave me died last winter even though I'd put it in the frame, haven't got round to getting another one. I've read that Common Fleabane is good for insects etc. Noticed yesterday between showers the Buddleai is almost in flower, I didn't prune any this year.
Kind regards