Andrew Henderson wrote:
Dying hedges: am I right to think this is a result of the 5th December surge? Are there other places where tidal flooding has killed hedges/scrub, for example at Gibraltar Point? Looking from the west side of the Trent, some of the older hawthorns along the main E-W track across Alkborough Flats look at least very sick: has that been affected also, even though presumably the flood water's salinity would have been far lower than at Pye's Hall?
The surge was not the cause of the die back at Pyes Hall although it did cause a lot of Sea Buckthorn to be washed away. The cause is to do with the realignment, seawater is now causing many of the hedges to die. I did ask the EA if they could build a bank around Pyes Hall but they said they'd tried that at other sites but water still seeped through.