Spent most of today out including during the solar eclipse. Highlights by area:
Woods - 4 Goldcrest - 12-20 Redwing - Common Buzzard - 2 Woodcock (flushed) + GSW, Green Woody, Nuthatch
Freshney - 2 Cetti's Warblers (calling) - 2 Chiffchaff (singing) - 1st of year in Grimsby area. Oddly they haven't arrived on patch yet - were noted on March 13th last year by Chris Atkin. - Snipe, Woodcock (flushed, of course) - 4-5 pairs of Teal - Water Rail, 2 Kingfisher, c. 50 Linnet, C. Buzzard, 3 Kestrel + Sprawk.