Carr Dyke PS: 12.45 - 13.20 sunny
Peacock - 1
large White - 9
Gatekeeper - 1
Meadow Brown - 1
Small White - 4
Grid ref: SE 834 074 sunny
Small White - 7
Peacock - 45 pics
Large White - 8
Small T/shell - 5
Painted Lady - 4 pics
This was a new area for me to see them even though I watch this area for birds etc, the food plants were mainly burdock etc that's the best total for one species since seeing a large amount of Red Admiral at MSQ a few years ago, well chuffed!
Black Bank: 14.30 - 20.00 cloudy but humid
Peacock - 2
Small White - 4
Meadow Brown - 2
Large White - 2