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PostPosted: Mon Sep 07, 2015 5:39 pm 
Lincs Bird Club Member
Lincs Bird Club Member

Joined: Fri Apr 11, 2014 9:39 pm
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Location: Cleethorpes
Why are there so few black or ethnic birders in this country (and probably the rest of Europe)?

The query cropped up in one of the talks at last month's British Bird Watching Fair at Rutland Water.

In a question-and-answer with birder, author and broadcaster, David Lindo, who is himself of Jamaican descent, a fellow from Southampton who was also of West Indian descent, put the question.

"How can we get more people like us interested in birds and birding?"he asked.

He went on to make the point that, in Africa, many of the safari park guides and rangers are black. They speak authoritatively on wildlife and conservation issues.

His comment was borne out by many of the trade stands in the marquees at the fair. They were variously being manned by Africans, Asians and West Indians, all keen to publicise and promote holidays in their respective countries.

David Lindo reflected for few moments but was unable to come up with an explanation expect to confirm that black birders were few and far between.

Until he was well into adulthood, he himself mostly kept quiet about his interest even though it stretched back to early childhood - largely because he feared he would be singling himself out for ridicule

"And you certainly didn't let on to any prospective girlfriend," he said. "At least not until she was hooked."

I've put more about Lindo's talk on my blog.

Incidentally, he might be a potential candidate as guest speaker at a future LBC annual meeting.

In his book, The Urban Birder, he describes Lincolnshire as "a county I have yet to get to know well - but there's still time".

PostPosted: Mon Sep 07, 2015 7:07 pm 
Lincs Bird Club Member
Lincs Bird Club Member

Joined: Wed Dec 29, 2004 6:44 pm
Posts: 1611
Location: Market Rasen
I've absolutely no idea, Jim. Incidentally, I am left-handed and wonder whether there are any other left-handed birders?

PostPosted: Tue Sep 08, 2015 12:31 pm 
Lincs Bird Club Member
Lincs Bird Club Member

Joined: Mon Jun 05, 2006 11:54 am
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Location: Bracebridge Heath LINCOLN
I think you'll agree that the time has come for less intellectual navel-gazing as to 'Why' and more practical action as to 'What' - ie. what can be done to encourage more black/ethnic birdwatchers, specifically in Lincolnshire initially? Here's a suggestion, perhaps for our LBC Committee to consider for starters, which could well help to redress the perceived and actual background imbalance in active birdwatchers :

The Lincs Bird Club has around 275 members according to the report from the Hon. Membership Secretary at the AGM held on 24th March 2015. 1% of that total membership would be, say, 3. Some LBC members must have black/ethnic individuals as work colleagues, neighbours, friends or contacts, some of whom may well have shown interest in birds in the garden, birds seen locally or on country walks and so on.

My practical suggestion is that LBC offers free membership to, say, 3 such individuals for 2 or 3 years - which would only represent some 1% of the membership total and easily be affordable. It would be on the basis that joining LBC is a great way to make birdwatching friends and contacts in Lincolnshire. Members could initiate appropriate enquiries sooner rather than later to ascertain if one could arrive at recruiting 3 interested persons. Once they are members, perhaps they could be 'shown' local patches and areas of birding interest by volunteer LBC members. As far as optics are concerned, it is not unlikely that some LBC members have formerly-used binoculars stored away (no longer of interest to parents/children) which could, if necessary, be made available.

If the above suggestion were adopted and sponsored by the LBC Committee and proved successful, then appropriate approaches could be made to other national county Committees with details of the scheme. If successful nationwide, in addition to Lincolnshire having the kudos for initiating the scheme, more importantly, one would have well over 100 additional 'hey presto' black/ethnic birdwatchers in the UK to enjoy our hobby. That could only provide the spur for further progress in 'word of mouth' recruitment in the future.


PostPosted: Tue Sep 08, 2015 8:10 pm 
Lincs Bird Club Member
Lincs Bird Club Member

Joined: Fri Apr 11, 2014 9:39 pm
Posts: 394
Location: Cleethorpes
That sounds really promising, Freddy. Thanks for responding.

I fully agree that a proactive approach is required to encourage more people to take up birding (and perhaps become LBC members).

In times gone by, I think quite a few people were encouraged by the enthusiasm of one or more teachers who led field trips. That was certainly the case with me.

I'm not sure if schools nowadays are quite so supportive.

(David Lindo certainly received no encouragement - one of his teachers was adamant that birds had four legs!)

PostPosted: Tue Sep 08, 2015 9:35 pm 
Lincs Bird Club Member
Lincs Bird Club Member

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Location: Market Rasen
Jim and Freddy
Before we go along the lines suggested by Freddy I think we should consider who exactly make up the ethnic groups in this county. The vast majority are from Eastern Europe who now make up a substantial percentage of the population in the Boston area. I wonder how many Poles, Lithuanians, Latvians, Estonians or Portugese regularly visit our flagship reserves at Freiston/Frampton? John Badley or Toby Collett are in a better position to answer this but I strongly suspect they can be counted on one hand. The next question is why! I would suggest that bird watching is not a pastime that the majority have ever considered.

Why should the LBC Committee offer free membership to anyone on the grounds of ethnicity - under current legislation this would certainly be discrimination and I don't think would be a very welcome move to the majority of the membership.

PostPosted: Wed Sep 09, 2015 10:06 am 
Lincs Bird Club Member
Lincs Bird Club Member

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Posts: 1723
Location: Bracebridge Heath LINCOLN

I have several comments on your post of 8th September :

1. Your 'scare' statement regarding discrimination and current legislation is nothing more nor less than pure, undiluted bluster.

2. Most acts offering help of one sort or another to the community are by definition and of necessity 'discriminatory' to some degree.

3. If your comments regarding 'the Boston area ethnics' have any validity, then that is precisely why LBC could make a specific gesture along the lines I have suggested.

4. I can't for the life of me see many LBC members tossing and turning at night and losing sleep over the financial or administrative implications of my suggestion.

5. Do you yourself have any illuminating remedial and practical ideas/suggestions in respect of David Lindo's/Jim Wright's observation?

With respect, if you have anything more to add on this subject, please post it on this website for all members to read and digest rather than sending me a 'private message'.


PostPosted: Wed Sep 09, 2015 2:43 pm 
Lincs Bird Club Member
Lincs Bird Club Member

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Location: Market Rasen
No problem, Freddy. I am quite prepared to answer you and Jim on this section of the Forum. I have never flinched from sticking my ahead above the parapet when others chose not to do so.

I have no idea why there are alledgedly so few ethnic birders - I suspect other hobbies such as train spotting have a similarly low take up rate. I certainly don't believe offering free membership to a person as an incentive to take up birding will in any way encourage them to do so. I strongly disagree with offering free membership to any sector of the community be it on the grounds of colour, creed, disability, age etc. - reduced in exceptional circumstances possibly but not free.

Finally I find your remark accusing me of undiluted bluster was somewhat harsh. If Messrs Lindo, Wright and Johnson are entitled to their opinion and rational argument then so am I.

PostPosted: Wed Sep 09, 2015 4:34 pm 
Lincs Bird Club Member
Lincs Bird Club Member

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Should over-60s be allowed free travel on the buses?

PostPosted: Wed Sep 09, 2015 5:25 pm 
Lincs Bird Club Member
Lincs Bird Club Member

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Location: Market Rasen
Your comment is totally irrelevant to the discussion on whether a percentage of ethnic minorities should be given free membership to the LBC.

PostPosted: Wed Sep 09, 2015 9:36 pm 
Lincs Bird Club Member
Lincs Bird Club Member

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You mean like being left-handed and spotting trains?

I thought irrelevance (and irreverence) were permitted (and even encouraged) in the chat section.

Let's steer clear of the risk of being too stuffy, academic and worthy - it might put off prospective members, whatever their race, colour, creed and whichever hand they write with.

PostPosted: Wed Sep 09, 2015 10:18 pm 
Lincs Bird Club Member
Lincs Bird Club Member

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Location: Market Rasen
I have said my piece and it is obvious that my opinion differs from yours, Jim, and Freddy's. I have nothing further to add.

PostPosted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 9:29 am 
Lincs Bird Club Member
Lincs Bird Club Member

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Location: Bracebridge Heath LINCOLN
You have nothing to add, Stuart.

However, is there now a chance that an LBC Committee spokesman will put his head 'above the parapet' (as Stuart phrased it) and add something in the form of a statement on this thread?


PostPosted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 11:41 pm 
Lincs Bird Club Member
Lincs Bird Club Member

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LBC has an ageing membership (which is predominantly white and male) so any ideas that might boost membership across the whole spectrum of society should surely be considered?

No committee member has responded yet to Freddy's post, but can it be assumed that it will be an agenda item at the next committee meeting in November?

Does the club's constitution allow for members to submit items for committee meetings?

If so, is there a deadline for the November meeting?

Can anyone clarify?

PostPosted: Tue Sep 22, 2015 7:28 am 
Lincs Bird Club Member
Lincs Bird Club Member

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I've been away so have not replied earlier, although I have managed to follow the thread on occasions.

I am happy to put my head above the parapet, at least in my role as secretary.

I don't think the constitution covers items for committee meetings, but I will put this topic on the agenda. I believe the constitution is on the web-site for members who wish to consult it.

I also remind members that the next meeting is to be an open one, with members welcome to attend and contribute, subject to certain constraints of time.

My personal opinion is probably too complicated and long to put on the forum, but I will contribute to the discussion if necessary.


PostPosted: Tue Sep 22, 2015 1:28 pm 
Lincs Bird Club Member
Lincs Bird Club Member

Joined: Fri Apr 11, 2014 9:39 pm
Posts: 394
Location: Cleethorpes
Thanks ,Rob, for that response.

And, yes, you're right. The constitution is online. I should have checked.


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