I found a dead Little Owl today on the sheep-grazed Trent river bank at Garthorpe. It was apparently undamaged, a day or two dead, and about 400m from a box where they have nested for about 15 years.
Strangely, I'd had a conversation in Kent yesterday with someone who usually has several pairs on his patch but who cannot find any at present. I said mine were still fine but I was wrong as usual. Little Owls are declining nationally (
http://blx1.bto.org/birdtrends/species.jsp?s=litow), something tentatively attributed to poor fledgling survival, but apparently had an average breeding season in 2015 after a very good one in 2014 (Sheppard & Ball, anyway). Those in my box failed at the egg or early chick stage in both years after being successful for years, something I cannot explain (though I did wonder about the cold springs).