I must admit to have forgetting about this bird which I saw from the sea bank at Frampton last August. But details arrived back today. A well travelled bird
Dear Chris
Many thanks for the godwit sighting sorry for delay in replying I have had a year of illness but catching up now.
Best wishes & thanks Peter
EY76572 N L+WB 15-Oct-13 Farlington Marshes LNR, Langstone Harbour, Portsmouth, Hampshire, S England Farlington RG - Pete Potts etal EY76572 S L+WB 11-Feb-14 Gigantica Rice Fields, Villa Franca, Tagus Estuary, Lisbon, Portugal Haije Valkema EY76572 S L+WB 21-Feb-14 Gigantica Rice Fields, Villa Franca, Tagus Estuary, Lisbon, Portugal Pete Potts & Anne de Potier EY76572 S L+WB 24-Feb-14 Gigantica Rice Fields, Villa Franca, Tagus Estuary, Lisbon, Portugal Hendriekus Algra EY76572 S L+WB 04-Apr-14 Burnham Overy Staithe, N Norfolk, E England Martin Eccles EY76572 S L+WB 14-Apr-14 it Heidenskip, Friesland, The Netherlands Ysbrand Galama EY76572 S L+WB 20-Sep-14 Langstone Harbour, Portsmouth, Hampshire, S England Pete Potts & Richard du Feu EY76572 S ? L+WB 11-Feb-15 Gigantica Rice Fields, Villa Franca, Tagus Estuary, Lisbon, Portugal Egbert van der Velde EY76572 S L+WB 17-Feb-15 Gigantica Rice Fields, Villa Franca, Tagus Estuary, Lisbon, Portugal Egbert van der Velde EY76572 S L+WB 25-Feb-15 Gigantica Rice Fields, Villa Franca, Tagus Estuary, Lisbon, Portugal Haije Valkema EY76572 S ? L+WB 02-Apr-15 Idzegea, De Geeuw, Friesland, The Netherlands Egbert van der Velde EY76572 S L+WB 12-Aug-15 Frampton Marsh RSPB reserve, The Wash, Lincolnshire, E England Chris Grimshaw EY76572 S L+WB 15-Oct-15 Farlington Marshes LNR, Langstone Harbour, Portsmouth, Hampshire, S England Pete Potts EY76572 S L+WB 20-Oct-15 Langstone Harbour, Portsmouth, Hampshire, S England Pete Potts