CONGRATULATIONS to Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust on its comprehensive ecological survey of a
Grimsby-area site field that has been earmarked for a huge housing development., if unavailable, trawl :
http://planninganddevelopment.nelincs.g ... EHXLJL3F00[/url]
It is a substantially superior piece of work to the inadequate survey conducted by
Scarborough Nixon, the consultant in the pay of the applicant ., the Trust's report has a serious double failing which could prove costly for birds.
1) It does not specify the number of nestboxes it is recommending - nor the ideal number of bat boxes and swift bricks.
2) It does not invite the planning authority - North East Lincolnshire Council - to make the
recommendations firm planning conditions in the event of the application being approved.
The upshot is that, in his report advising that the development should be approved, NELC's planning
case officer, Simon Johnson, has NOT proposed that any of the LWT's suggested measures should
be adopted.
The application is due to be determined at a planning meeting in Grimsby Town Hall on the morning of
September 14.
Without delay, the LWT needs to email the case officer urging that, in the event of the application
being approved, the nestboxes need to be installed as a
condition of the development.
Otherwise a great opportunity will have been missed, and the LWT's work will have been in vain