I walked into the visitor centre at RSPB Frampton this afternoon just as a discussion was underway as to the ID of a Wader visible at no great distance out on Reedbed Lagoon. Wilsons Phalarope was suggested due to the needle sharp bill combined with grey upper parts and white underparts.greenish yellow legs were also mentioned. I asked to look at the bird through a scope and immediately had it as a Marsh Sandpiper. However, it chose that moment to fly a short distance to the west where it landed out of sight behind reeds. I had good enough views to be virtually certain that it was a Marsh Sand, but hey, you know what doubts can creep in when those views are not completely satisfactory!! And it was not my scope. We spend the next three hours trying to relocate the bird to no avail. As I was leaving I had a chat to the two RSPB staff members who had found the bird ( apologies chaps for not knowing your names) and, having had time to do some research on Marsh Sand ID, they are 100% certain that the bird is a Marsh Sand backing up my opinion. So that is good. No doubt they will do a Rare Bird description some time.