Your help is needed, to find a rare and impressive beetle.
Right now is a small window when the Oil Beetle (Meloe proscarabaeus) is active in the UK, and in Lincolnshire it is only known from a couple of sites. This species is declining and although we are looking for new colonies, it is difficult to cover such a large county by ourselves.
In our favour, is that the Oil Beetle likes to inhabit footpaths, bridleways, road verges and areas where the soil is bare and compacted.
It is a large and obvious species, approx 11-35mm in length and shiny black in colour, it does not fly and has a habit of plodding slowly across paths and roads, in search of food, mates & nest sites.
If at all possible, when out walking, may we ask that you keep a look out for this beetle, and please email George at but if you're not sure what you've spotted, take a photo and send it in and we'll let you know if you've found one.
I have attached a photo below to show that they are quite big and obvious.
Many thanks for any help.
George Rutter
Andrew Chick Website: